发布时间:2014-06-13 07:30:16
K-GLUT,L-谷氨酸检测***盒,L-Glutamic Acid Assay Kit
英文品名:L-Glutamic Acid Assay Kit
规格型号:60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 700 assays (auto-analyser)
A simple, reliable, rapid and accurate method for the determination ofL-Gluta mate (MSG) in foodstuffs.
L-Glutamic acid (L-Gluta mate), one of the 20 common amino acids,
occurs naturally in foods such as cheese, milk, meat, fish, corn,
tomatoes, mushrooms, soybean and sugar beet. In its free form,
L-glutamic acid is the major fl***our enhancing component of foods
with a meaty/s***oury taste. The role played by L-glutamic acid in
the palatability of foods is exploited by either traditional cooking
methods that release free L-glutamic acid, or by supplementation
with monosodium Gluta mate (MSG). Excessive use of MSG as a
food additive (E621) in processed foods results in the symptoms of
“Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” (CRS), where palpitati***, severe
headaches, nausea, wheezing and increased body temperature are
thought to result from the neuro-excitory properties of free
L-glutamic acid. ***et of CRS is fast, only 30-60 min after ingestion,
and symptoms generally subside after approximately 2-3 hours.
Around 15% of Americans are sensitive to MSG.
Kits suitable for performing 60 assays in manual format (or 700 assays
in auto-analyser format or 600 assays in microplate format) are ***ailable
from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:
Bottle 1: Buffer (35 mL, pH 8.6) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v)
as a preservative.
Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 2: (x2) NAD+ plus INT.
Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 3: Diaphorase suspension (3.1 mL).
Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 4: Gluta mate dehydrogenase solution (3.1 mL).
Stable for 大于 2 years at -20°C.
Bottle 5: L-Glutamic acid standard solution
(5 mL, 0.10 mg/mL) in 0.02% (w/v) sodium azide.
Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.
詹小龙:18918753302 ; 3001080321
李玉钘:15800340161 ; 3001010259
聂庆亮:13795317828 ; 3001080377
卢阿飞:18221195541 ; 3001074579
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